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Monday, 15 July 2013

Deep Sleep Battery Saver Pro (1.81) Untuk Android

Deep Sleep Battery Saver Pro (1.81) Untuk Android

Deepsleep battery saver constantly puts the device to deepsleep mode while screen off
LifeHacker: "Plenty of apps save your battery life, but this one takes the idea to a whole new level"
During deepsleep mode, Wifi, 3G are turned off, background apps are stopped. Therefore, most apps are not working, including Facebook, Google Service, etc,. It then constantly wakes up in order to download email, sync Facebook status, etc,. It's defined by deepsleep frequency and woke up duration
In advanced mode (PRO), you can customize more parameters, including day/night settings, active period, screen timeout, sync strategy, ignored apps, etc,
Download File :  Deep Sleep Battery Saver Pro

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