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Friday, 19 July 2013

SIlent Camera Pro Untuk Blackberry

SIlent Camera Pro Untuk Blackberry

Type : Aplikasi 
Tag : Silent Camera Pro
Size FIle : 303 Byte

Donwload FIle :  Silent Camera Pro

With Silent Camera, you can zoom in and zoom out the picture.Also, you can set the no. of pics to take from 1 to 20 in a single go. You can also set the interval between each take.

Please note: You can not change the picture resolution when saving with Silent Camera.


* Take picture without the shutter sound.
* Take upto 20 pictures in one take
* Set the delay between each take
* Zoom in and zoom out
* Rotate any picture clockwise or anti-clockwise
* Vibrate on each take option

This app should not be used for illegal purposes. Taking pictures with the shutter on mute may be prohibited by law in the region you are in. Please review local laws and use this app at your own discretion.

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